The heat is here and the kids are outside playing on your equipment. Don’t be caught with unknown hazards that are brought to your attention because of injuries. Regular maintenance is a must to reduce and hopefully eliminate injuries to our children.
Regular Maintenance Service is what is necessary to help keep the play equipment in compliance.
Whichever service schedule you would choose to have our company do, you will receive an inspection by a certified playground safety inspector per tot lot per service. We power spray all of the playground and ramada equipment with 2,000 p.s.i. of boiling hot sanitizing solution. We also tighten any loose specialty nuts and bolts, replace general nuts and bolts, remove as much graffiti as possible, rake and level the sand or engineered wood fiber, sweep or blow off the sidewalks, ramada floors and tot turf. We will take digital photos of the repairs needed and quickly send them to you in an e-mail and/or phone call followed by a price for repair. If there is immediate danger we will barricade or tape off the tot lots affected.